Monday, January 19, 2009

Monday Holiday....and SNOW

Yesterday we had ICE....agggggggggggh. I hate being on ice. I was going to visit Mom & Dad, and told them I was going to wait until 12:30 or so to give church traffic time to clear the roads. When I left home, my sidewalk was coated in ice, my car was covered in ice, and 3 cars had been deserted on the hill coming into the apartment complex! Yikes!

I didn't have any problems driving to their house, but there were cars sitting by the road all the way down there. People had apparently just couldn't drive on the ice and parked their cars and walked away. I heard later that there were 30 different accidents on the interstate in our area. I made sure that I was back home before dark; I was afraid the ice would glaze back over after the sun went down.

We were off work today for Martin Luther King Day, so I didn't have to worry about the weather. It snowed off and on all day, though. It was really pretty to watch if you didn't have to be out in it. I did a little housework (VERY little), put a DuraFlame log in the fireplace and crawled into the recliner with Meggie and my knitting needles. I finished up a little scarf I'd started yesterday for myself, then just loafed all afternoon. The photo in this post is the view from my deck this morning. The snow actually got deeper after this.

I received a cellular message a couple of hours ago that we're going to be on a snow schedule tomorrow morning, so I'm going to wait until I get up to wash my hair. They're predicting another couple of inches of snow tonight, so I may get lucky and have a snow day tomorrow. What's better than a 3-day weekend? Why, a 4-day weekend, of course!

Friday, January 16, 2009

I want SPRING.

Six degrees. So help me, it was SIX degrees on my deck when I went to work this morning. Of course, that was warmer than it was at the office, where it was 1 below zero. Now it's warmed up to a balmy NINE. *sheesh*

I don't mind snow (which, of course, we don't have), but I don't like this bitter cold one little bit. There was a note on my door when I got home last night from the apartment management asking that we leave our water faucets running a bit to prevent freezing. Oh, how I hate even having to think of such things!

At least it's Friday, and I don't have to be out defrosting the car early tomorrow morning. And, even better, it's a three-day-weekend! *YAY*

When I get home tonight I need to post some photos of the amaryllis. When I got home yesterday, the blooms were fading. So sad to wait so long for them, then see them go away so quickly. They were beautiful while they lasted, though. Believe it or not, the bulb Mom had from last year is finally beginning to send up shoots. I think mine from the year before is a lost cause, though.

Well, lunch break's nearly over, so more later.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A Busy Morning

I've spent some time this morning putting a few things on the blog:
  1. I've updated "The Amaryllis Project" to include photos of this year's plant and its progress to date.
  2. I've added a post to "Meanderings" about a trip made yesterday to my very first home.
  3. I've added a new section about a new project from the days of my childhood, "The Salt Crystal Garden".

And now, I must get up from the keyboard and do a bit of household drudgery so that I can spend the afternoon doing as little as possible. I eagerly await a bit of loafing, since I have to go back to work tomorrow. *sigh*

Friday, January 02, 2009

A New Year

The sun is coming up as I write this....well, I THINK it's coming up. This morning the skies are gray and a skiff of snow has dusted the grass and sidewalks in my little corner of the world. As I look out on the shiny parking lot (is it wet or is that black ice?), I'm very grateful that I don't have to go to the office today. The temperature is hovering right around freezing, so I'm happy to be at the keyboard in my flannel jammies, hot mug of tea by my side.

I've had a great holiday break so far. I had problems during the first part of the break with my sleep pattern being all out of whack (waking up progressively earlier each day), but I think (I hope) I have that straightened out now. I forced myself to stay awake on New Year's Eve until the ball dropped in Times Square. (It's been AGES since I've been awake past 10:00 on New Year's Eve!) That allowed me to sleep in until 7:00 am New Year's Day. So, last night I was in bed at 10:00, which is normal for me. I was awake this morning at 5:00, which is within 30 minutes of normal for me. I can settle happily for that.

My plans for the day? Nothing spectacular. I have a few little household chores to go through, but I don't plan to do anything much other than watch the latest Netflix arrival. It's going to be a cold, wet day, so I think it's a day to pile up, watch movies, sip tea, read a bit, and burn a DuraFlame log in the fireplace. Ahhhhhhhhhh.

I just heard Meggie go through her "first stretch and shake of the day". I can tell because I hear her ears flap against the side of her head when she shakes. That means she'll be getting off the bed to go have a sip of water and a few crunches of dog food for breakfast. That also means I must get up from here so I can get the bed made before she goes to get back on it. *L* I wish you all a very Happy New Year a day late. :-)