Saturday, March 19, 2011

Stress Relief

Things at work have been unbelievably stressful lately. Not much you can do about it but try to stay focused, keep working toward your goal, and wait for things to improve. *sigh*

It's taking a toll, no doubt about it. My energy level is down to nearly nothing, my stress-induced psoriasis is running rampant, and as an added bonus I woke up with a fever blister this morning. *double sigh*

So, what am I going to do today? I'm going to make some attempts toward stress relief. When I finish this blog entry, I'm going to treat myself to a long, hot shower and shampoo my hair with some new Gilchrist & Soames shampoo I bought a couple of weeks ago and haven't used yet. Then I'm going to dress in comfy shorts and a tee.

Next I'm going to put a pot of vegetable soup on the stove, partly because it's a good healthy lunch, but mostly because I want to smell it cooking.

I have a Netflix movie I've not watched, so I'm going to crawl into the recliner with a big mug of hot coffee, some mindless knitting, and the remote control.

Sounds like a relaxing day, right? I surely hope so.

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