I've been a slug all week. I'm still recovering from a vile sinus infection, so I've been really tired. The stress level at the office was even higher than usual this week, so that added to the fatigue. Last night I actually fell asleep in my recliner and woke just after 4:00 a.m. with a vile migraine and a fever blister. Happy Saturday. *bleah*
I had a lot of housework to do since I was too tired to do much of anything in the evenings after work this week, so I'd made myself a "To-Do" list for today. It was so long it made me tired just to READ it. So, I decided to just take each task on the list one at a time and work in 20/10 increments (20 minutes working/10 minute break). I'd just work until I ran out of steam and quit, no matter where I was on the list.
I did pretty well for about 3 hours, then just ran down. That's okay, though. I checked off several tasks, and maybe after lunch and a little nap I can check off a few more.
For now, though, a bit of knitting and Netflix sounds pretty good. :-)
My Dad finally got a surgery scheduled to repair the compression fracture in his back. He'll have surgery next Tuesday; we're very hopeful that it will help alleviate the pain he's been suffering for the past several months. Keep a good thought! The procedure is interesting, and minimally invasive, so his recovery time should be relatively short. Mom asked the PA how long it would be before Daddy could get on a treadmill, and he said probably a week or so after surgery. I asked Mom if she'd checked to see how long it would be before he could drive, but she'd forgotten that. I suspect Daddy'll be much more anxious to drive than to get on the treadmill. *LOL*
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