Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Family News and the Census

First item on the agenda: Kris had back surgery Monday a.m. Sydney time and is doing well, thank goodness. She's still in the hospital (with apparently noisy wardmates), but things are going as expected. Hopefully she'll be out of the hospital at the end of the week and will finally be able to get some rest!

Second item: just a minor gripe. Is anyone else as tired of hearing from the Census Bureau as I am? The first communication was that I was going to receive a census form. Second communication was the form itself, which I completed and returned right away. (Very simple form, so I do commend them for THAT.) But then, after I'd already returned their form, I got a letter saying that my form should have arrived and telling me how desperately important it is that I return the form. HEY. I DID IT. STOP WASTING PAPER AND POSTAGE NAGGING PEOPLE WHO'VE ALREADY DONE WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO, OKAY?


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dreary, Damp and Cold

Okay, maybe it's not COLD, but definitely much cooler than it was Saturday! It's down around the freezing mark right now, and so help me, last Saturday it was shirt-sleeve weather here! Sheesh. Must be March.

Today would be a perfect "pile up in the recliner and knit" kind of day. *big pitiful sigh* But here I am, typing into my blog during my lunch break at work.

I have so many things I want to do at home, but by the time I do the things that HAVE to be done, I'm out of time.....not to mention out of energy! Oh well. I'll get them done eventually. Even if I have to do them 15 minutes at a time as teaches me. *LOL*

I guess I really need to make a "To Do" list and work my way through it. I remember that many years ago I had a pastor whose wife was a notorious list-maker. I always loved that the first item on each of her lists was "1. Make a list" so that as soon as she finished, she had one item she could check off. Isn't that neat?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Race Weekend

It's race weekend in my little corner of the world....two weekends each year, our town is host to a NASCAR race. We're home of the "world's fastest half-mile", which draws many visitors to town.

Grocery stores, department stores, malls, restaurants, and most other public gathering places are difficult to get into as the parking lots fill with vehicles from near and far. Campgrounds and motels fill to capacity. Local merchants have a good week.

Residents like myself make sure we don't need anything from Wal-Mart or the grocery store and stay off local streets as much as we can, leaving them to the thousands of race fans temporarily in our midst.

My plans? I'm not a NASCAR fan, so today I've done some household chores and some knitting. Tomorrow I'll wait for the race fans to make their way to the track, then drive down to visit Mom and Dad for awhile. Thankfully, I'm still improving after my bout with that terrible cold, so I think it'll be safe to go visit them tomorrow. I have a few lingering joint aches, but that's probably from inactivity as much as anything.

Have you heard about the Live Owl Nest Box Cam? Check it out to see Molly the barn owl; she's currently caring for 5 eggs which should be hatching owlets any time now.

Well, back to knitting....I've got a project I need to finish up this afternoon and need to get a second one started. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yucky Cold

At last I'm nearly over a cold that laid me low over the weekend and into the first of the week! Not the flu, thank goodness, just a nasty yucky cold. Stuffy head, fever, achy body....the works. I was home from work Monday and Tuesday but went back yesterday, even though I still didn't feel completely well. Today's much better than yesterday, though. I think (knock wood) I'm pretty well over it.

It's Race Week in my little corner of the world.....sheeeeeeeesh. Ah, the joys of living in a town with a NASCAR track! The traffic is so much worse than usual, and forget trying to get into a restaurant until all the race fans leave town. The good news is that 1) it gives a boost to the local economy, and 2) it only happens twice a year! *LOL*

So my big plans for the weekend will be to dodge as much of the crowd as I can. Shaping up to be a pretty good knitting weekend, eh? :-)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Camping Season Approaches!

The weather this past weekend was just glorious....warm (comparatively) and sunny. You could just smell SPRING approaching!

And with Spring comes the thought that CAMPING SEASON is coming....oh, how I missed camping last season! Since I'm a tent camper I have to wait for reasonably warm weather. After all, what's the fun in going to the woods if you have to huddle around a heater inside the tent? So I wait until the days are warm with cool nights, usually in May.

Yesterday I made my first reservation for the season and can hardly wait to pack the car and head for the mountain.

In the meantime, I content myself with knitting and working with my new Wii Fit Plus. Such fun, but BOY what a toll was taken by spending a year in the recliner!! Oh, well, at least I'm making progress even if it is just a little at a time. :-)

Monday, March 01, 2010

Day By Day

Though the quiet in my apartment is still hard to listen to, each day gets a tiny bit easier. I took some of Meg's things to Mom and Dad's house Saturday so they can use them for their Jasper. That seemed to help a little. There's still a lot of healing to do, but the process has at least begun.

As with most of the difficult times in my life, I find that staying busy helps a lot. So, when I got bored with housework over the weekend (which admittedly doesn't take long...*LOL*) I knitted a bit and spent some time on my new Wii playing Lego Indiana Jones. I know....sounds like a little kid's game, right? It's FUN.....I SWEAR!! You can shoot the bad guys, and nobody bleeds, because everyone's a Lego character. The funny thing is finding out how truly horrible I am at video games. I never was very good at them, and hadn't tried one in YEARS.

I bought the Wii so that I could use Wii Fit Plus, which I adore. I can already tell that it's helping me regain strength I lost during my illness last year. But I figured I needed a video game to play on the Wii as well, just for the fun of it. Kris told me that she plays Lego Indiana Jones on her Nintendo DS and that it was fun. She was right, as usual. I've had a blast with it so far, and it helps keep me busy. That's really important right now.