Mom and Dad took me to a local surgery center early this morning for my colonoscopy, and all went well. *YAY* I'm certainly glad to have that over and done.
Because I had to be up at 4:00 am, I dozed a bit this afternoon, but haven't felt any aftereffects from the sedation at all. In fact, I felt well enough to go have a big ol' Chinese lunch with Mom and Dad on the way home from the center. The food there is always great, but tasted especially wonderful today since I hadn't had solid food since Monday!
As I was waiting my turn in the procedure room, I relaxed (as much as possible) on my little gurney with my warmed blanket on my legs, knitting happily away and talking with Mom, who waited with me until they took me into the procedure room. Speaking of warmed blankets, I don't know who ever came up with the idea of heating those little cotton blankets they put on you in the pre-op area, but whoever you are, I ADORE YOU.
The photo is a Feather and Fan Scarf I worked on while waiting my turn. It's a great "waiting room" project because the pattern is so simple and easy to memorize.
And so, another "patch and repair" item is marked off my "Stuff I Gotta Do for my Health" list. Now, back to my movie and sock-knitting. :-)
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